Catholic Education South Australia

Classroom Pulse Check In

Every one of us experiences ups and downs in our life.

Each term, Catholic Education SA will undertake a Classroom Pulse Check In.

The purpose of the Classroom Pulse Check In is to find out how students are feeling about their experience of school.

Students will each be asked some simple questions about:

  • Identity
  • Learning
  • Relationships
  • Belonging

Our aim is simply to “check in” with our students and measure how they are feeling.

Your child’s responses will help us to identify any potential social, emotional or learning needs that they may have.

They will also be used by Catholic Education SA to help highlight trends across Catholic Schools that may need to be addressed.

You can view sample Classroom Pulse Check Ins below:

Got questions?

Please take a look at our Parent Q and A below or contact your child’s teacher.

Yes. We strongly recommend that every child participates so that we can get a sense of how they are feeling about their schooling and wellbeing.

If you have any questions please discuss them with your child’s teacher.

Each year, the Classroom Pulse The Classroom Pulse Check In will be held around the middle of each school term.

Each term’s Check In only takes a few minutes of class time to complete.

The school will contact you if your child’s responses to the Classroom Pulse Check In raise any concerns.

Only your child’s teacher and the principal will see your child’s responses.

Only de-identified summary data will be shared more broadly in your school and across Catholic Education SA.

If you have further questions, please contact your teacher and/or your child’s school principal for more information.

At Catholic Education SA, we believe that our role is to help every child to be a thriving person, capable learner and a leader for the world God desires.