Catholic Education South Australia
20 Feb 2017
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'Mini Vinnies' raise funds for St Vincent de Paul

This year’s group of Mini Vinnies will play a major part in raising funds for the St Vincent de Paul Society by co ordinating school fundraising events.

They will play a big part in raising the awareness of the whole school community of our call, here at St Francis, to help and support those in need.

During Term One, students will reflect on the power of compassion and generosity through Project Compassion. During Lent, the Mini Vinnies will speak to the students at assemblies about how we are called upon to help the world’s poorest people and they will explore how getting involved will show their solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable people.

A major part of this student leadership role is to co-ordinate school fundraising events and to keep alive within the school community the message of St. Mary Mackillop – “Never see a need without doing something about it”. This is what drives us to assist struggling families and individuals in our own community.

In Terms Two and Three, the school is involved with the St. Vincent de Paul and Hutt Street Centre’s Winter Appeals. The donations from our families provide much needed winter essentials for the homeless.

The Mini Vinnies help to promote the different fundraising activities happening within the school. They also assist to raise awareness - such as informing the community that ‘on any given night in Adelaide, 6000 people have nowhere safe to sleep and a third of these are young people between the ages of 12 and 18’.

A Mini Vinnies basket is kept in each classroom for the collection of items of clothing that are in great demand during the winter season such as beanies, scarves, socks, gloves and rain jackets. All donations are very much needed and greatly appreciated.

The St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal aims to provide much needed help for individuals and families so that they too can experience the joy of Christmas. Each class puts together a Christmas Hamper. By contributing to the class hamper, students get to once again help those in our community who need our support during this special time. The Mini Vinnies help to promote the Christmas Appeal - providing information and support to teachers and students. Their dedication and enthusiasm help to convey to students the message that their generous contributions are helping to make Christmas special for those experiencing disadvantage.


Article submitted by St Francis of Assisi, Newton

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