Catholic Education South Australia
12 Jun 2018
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Eddie Woo to inspire teachers and students

Australia’s most famous Maths Teacher – Eddie Woo – will share his passion for mathematics with Catholic students and teachers later this month.

Catholic Education South Australia, in partnership with Australia Day Council of South Australia, is hosting Eddie Woo for a number of events in June.

Eddie is known as an infectious and enthusiastic mathematics teacher. He was recipient of the “Australia’s Local Hero” Award in the 2018 Australian of the Year Awards.

He is the head mathematics teacher at Cherrybrook Technology High School, the largest secondary school in New South Wales. Eddie started posting videos online in 2012 for a student who was sick with cancer and missing a lot of school. Before long, he was sharing the videos across the country and beyond.

Wootube < > now boasts more than 100,000 subscribers and has attracted more than eight million views worldwide.

With infectious enthusiasm, the father-or-three's unique and caring approach to teaching, destigmatises mathematics as an inaccessible and difficult subject. 

Outside his high school classroom, Eddie is also a volunteer facilitator with University of Sydney's Widening Participation and Outreach program and has motivated more than 1,400 students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Today, he is using his vocation to 'pay it forward' and make education equitable for all.

Eddie will speak at a number of events at Sacred Heart College, Senior Campus on June 26 2018 including:

  • Workshop 1 (for Year 7 – 12 students) - 9.00am - 10.30am
  • Workshop 2 (A session for student leaders over morning tea with Eddie Woo) - 10.30am - 11.30am  This session is FULL
  • Workshop 3 (for Year 7 – 12 students) - 12.00 - 1.30pm This is a repeat of Workshop 1
  • Workshop 4 (for teachers) - 2.15pm - 3.15pm

To find out more and to register for these sessions go to the CESA registration Centre -

“This is a great opportunity for our students and teachers to engage with this inspirational teacher and leader,” says Anna Mirasgentis, Senior Education Advisor, Leading Learning, Catholic Education South Australia.

“We’re very pleased to be partnering with the Australia Day Council of South Australia in organising this event. We also appreciate the support of Sacred Heart College in hosting the workshops.”

Teachers in Catholic schools are also invited by the Department for Education to an evening session with Eddie Woo in the Adelaide Town Hall on Monday June 25 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. To register for this event please go to  

For more information please contact Anna Mirasgentis, Senior Education Advisor, Leading Learning, Catholic Education South Australia on 8301 6864 or by email

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