Catholic Education South Australia
31 Jul 2018
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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College wins “Good Energy” award

The school community of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College has received national acclaim for their “good energy.”

The College will receive a 20.625kW solar system worth more than $26,000 as part of Origin Energy’s Solar for Schools competition.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College’s winning entry showcased the good energy the school generates by embracing and celebrating more than 40 diverse cultures and encouraging inclusion and warmth amongst the school community.

The passion from the students, parents and staff at the school was on display through its winning video.


The Origin solar system will help save the school up to $11,000 on their annual electricity bill, and offset its annual carbon emissions by the equivalent of 20 acres of conserved forest in one year.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College’s Deputy Principal, Sue Knight welcomed the award, and is enthused about what the school will be able to do with the savings on their electricity bills.

“The dedicated and active staff group responsible for the award-winning entry reflects the entire school’s strong commitment to spreading good energy, aligning with the College’s strategic plan across the domains of teaching and learning, resourcing, community and culture, and Catholic identity.”

“The students and teachers of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College are so excited to be the South Australian recipient of Origin’s Solar for Schools competition. We’re looking forward to having the solar panels installed to help strengthen our existing educational programs around renewable energy and to demonstrate how they work.”

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Business Manager, Fiona Miller added, ”With the savings made from the solar system, we’re planning to broaden and strengthen curriculum across all areas in particular ecological sustainability, science, mathematics, technology and community action projects. These enhance student learning outcomes, assist in role modelling and our ongoing advocacy of best practice in spreading good energy.”

Origin’s Head of Retail Jon Briskin said, “We had hundreds of entries to the competition and were overwhelmed by the remarkable stories about what schools all over the country are doing for each other, the environment and their community.

“We’re thrilled to be rewarding Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College for their efforts, and we’re confident that their new solar system will help them continue to spread even more good energy in their community.”

Only four other schools across the country were acknowledged:

  • WA – Wembley Primary School
  • QLD - Grand Avenue State School
  • VIC – Castlemaine Secondary College
  • NSW – Caddies Creek Public School

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