Catholic Education South Australia
20 Oct 2015
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St Anthony’s School Millicent has wiped out waste!

As a member of the Wipe Out Waste (WOW) program for schools, St Anthony’s at Millicent has been very successful indeed! The program is run by KESAB and schools are audited for rubbish lying around every few years and waste is measured.

The image shows the residual waste after recycling and composting within the school and represents a new benchmark for all schools involved in the program. We wish St Anthony’s all the best for the chance at a KESAB award later this year.

In the latest WOW newsletter the fantastic results at St Anthony’s were recognised:
“A special mention to St Anthony's Millicent - we found the smallest amount of food and drink packaging ever seen in an audit! It squashed into one small ziplock bag- that's for 240 people... which shows that long term behaviour change is possible with whole school community commitment. St Anthony's embrace Education for Sustainability and have been working to be wrapper free for 8 years- it's working!”

Find out more about St Anthony’s Millicent please follow this link




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Announced today all three South Australian education sectors – Public, Independent and Catholic – will take significant steps towards a more inclusive education system in South Australia.

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