Catholic Education South Australia

Online teaching and learning resources that incorporate cultural and linguistic diversity (CaLD) in the Australian curriculum.  EAL/D focus teachers may wish to use these resources when supporting class teachers to develop learning plans, in order to ensure a diversity of cultures and perspectives is included.  

SBS Learn Home

SBS Learn Home is a library of educational resources linked to SBS documentaries, dramas, news and current affairs, sport and other productions aired on SBS. These resources can be aligned for use with the Australian Curriculum.

Link: SBS Learn Home


Storybooks available in 230 languages that can be read online, downloaded or printed—Google Chrome only.

Link: Storyweaver

Global Words

The fifteen units of work in Global Words have been produced by World Vision Australia and the Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) to integrate the teaching and learning of English and Geography with global citizenship education.

Link: Global Worlds

Difference Differently

Difference Differently offers modules in Australian curriculum learning areas of English, History, Geography and HASS (Civics & Citizenship) for students in Years 3 to 10. It provides student modules and information for teachers.  

Link: Difference Differently

Reading Australia: Intercultural Understanding

A curated list of quality books suitable for primary and secondary students, written by Australian authors.  Choose the advanced search function to select the General Capability: Intercultural understanding and/or relevant themes such as ‘cultural identity’, ‘refugees’ etc to find lists of appropriate books.  For each book there is a brief synopsis, the target year level and a teacher resource.  

Link: Reading Australia

Using Texts and Picture Books for Intercultural Understanding

The resource link reviews texts which address the Australian curriculum capability intercultural understanding through conceptual programming. The English KLA concepts explored within it are: Characterisation, Representation, Perspective and Interpretation. 

Link: Intercultural understanding through texts