A new year of educational opportunities

Catholic Education South Australia proudly extends its congratulations to the exceptional achievements of the "Class of 2024" in their SACE results. These results are a reflection of our students' determination, resilience, and dedication, supported by the invaluable guidance and encouragement of our committed educators and the students' families.
Twenty students from Catholic schools in South Australia have been named among the winners in two major state-wide Humanities competitions.
Earlier this year, senior school students from across South Australia were invited to enter the 2024 Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize and the Muriel Matters Awards.
Announced today all three South Australian education sectors – Public, Independent and Catholic – will take significant steps towards a more inclusive education system in South Australia.
The reforms are set to deliver on the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
The annual STEM MAD National Showcase, hosted by Brisbane Catholic Education, took place on Tuesday, November 19, bringing together students from Catholic schools across Australia. The event provided a platform for primary and secondary students to present creative projects addressing real-world challenges through the lens of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
STEM MAD, a national program, inspires students to "Make A Difference" by applying STEM knowledge to promote justice and the common good, aligning with the ecological and social principles outlined in Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home.
Congratulations to three students from Our Lady Queen of Peace School, Albert Park who were announced yesterday, Monday 18 November, as the national winners of the Kids in Space program.
Year 6 students Zahlia, Amelia, and Charlotte competed against 10 other team finalists, presenting their space related design projects that were created using the 3D design app and 3D printing program at their school. The winning design was in response to finding a solution to the growing issue of ‘space junk’.
Ten years ago, a unique cross-sector initiative between Catholic, public and independent schools in South Australia was established to certify teachers as Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALT).
Fast forward to November 2024 and Catholic Education SA (CESA) is delighted to announce its 100th certified HALT teacher; Penny Bateman, from Xavier College, Gawler Belt campus. Penny, who holds the position of English Curriculum Leader, began her teaching career in 2021 and started her HALT certification this year. Receiving HALT certification means that Penny will now be able to mentor colleagues in the process and provide expert guidance on evidence-based teaching practices while fostering professional growth within her department.
Four Catholic schools across South Australia have been awarded $6.34 million in grants for capital works to improve learning spaces, increase opportunities for disadvantaged students and cater for more diverse learning needs.
The State Government grants — $6.34 million for Catholic schools and $6.38 million for independent schools — are for building projects to commence over the next year.
Introduced in 2018 to ensure all students have access to a first-class education, the latest funding under the scheme has been approved for four projects at Catholic schools and 103 smaller projects at independent schools.
World Teachers Day, celebrated in Australia this year on October 25, offered a chance to thank all teachers with the ‘Hats Off’ theme, acknowledging the invaluable contributions they make to our communities.
As part of the annual World Teachers’ Day celebrations, Educators SA hosted a gala awards evening to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our state’s outstanding educators.
This year's Educators SA Awards ceremony was held at the Adelaide Oval and attended by more than 300 invited guests, with awards presented by Blair Boyer MP, Minister for Education, Training and Skills and Martin Westwell, Chief Executive of the Department for Education.
Two Catholic schools in South Australia; Whitefriars Catholic School, Woodville Park and St Francis of Assisi College, Renmark have taken home awards for excellence in storytelling, raising awareness, and the performing arts for their performances as part of the 2024 National Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival.
Wakakirri is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools with 180 schools from across the country taking part in 2024. Participating schools are inspired by the Wakakirri ethos ‘great stories inspire change’ to create and perform story-dances that reflect students’ thoughts, ideas and aspirations. This year’s theme was ‘Belonging’.
On Tuesday 1 October, Playgroup SA presented the Playgroup Excellence Awards at Government House, hosted by Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, as part of their 50th year celebrations.