World Stories is a free UK based website with online books from around the world presented in multiple (31) languages. The collection includes retold traditional tales and new short stories. It enables children to make links between English and the home language and supports EAL parent involvement, such as reading with their children in both English and their home language.
Websites such as WordReference and Cambridge online dictionary can be provided within learning area tasks. Also, for technical or abstract words, teachers can insert hyperlinks that take the learner to an explanation, definition or an appropriate image that illustrates the word. Copyright-free images can be sourced from websites such as
Link: Cambridge Online Dictionary
Kids.Wordsmyth provides topic related words with pronunciation, definitions and images.
Picture Dictionary is designed for newly arrived EAL students to use at school and at home to support their English language acquisition. It enables users to see and hear commonly used words with an Australian pronunciation. It aims to improve literacy across the curriculum as a general capability, within the Australian Curriculum. It may be used on a desktop computer or mobile computing device.
Visuwords provides an animated concept map or word wall for the chosen word.
Microsoft Immersive reader also has a built-in picture dictionary which can support students to link words with concepts.
Use Microsoft Translator or Google Translate to support effective communication with families.
Microsoft Learning Tools (within Office 365) provides free features which enable students to access reading and writing tasks in Word, OneNote, Outlook and Microsoft Edge. Learning Tools Immersive Reader is helpful for students who find reading and comprehending text difficult. Students can also edit their writing using the Dictation tool.