Catholic Education South Australia
24 Jan 2016
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Director's Message to CESA Staff

Dear Colleagues
It is with some excitement that members of the Catholic Education Office commence work for 2016!

As you know, last year was a very significant year for planning when we developed the Strategy for Leading Catholic Education to New Levels of Excellence. During 2016 we will begin to implement some of those previously determined strategic actions. We are calling it a year of action here in the office. And we have already made a good start.

Many of you will be aware that the alignment of Cardijn College and Marcellin Technical College was decided last year. Our colleague, Paul Rijken has taken on the role of principal across both entities and work begins in earnest this year to align both operations. Paul has already initiated a significant aspect of the background work to implement the alignment. This has involved discussions with both staff groups and school board members. Early communication with both communities has occurred with more information to follow in the near future. It is delightful to engage with Paul in conversation regarding the potential benefits of the alignment: Paul understands the increased opportunities for both Cardijn and Marcellin students as a consequence of accessing facilities and programs from the two campus sites. More opportunities for students from other schools will emerge too. Both entities will be strengthened and continue to provide outstanding learning opportunities for young people in the south. We will keep you informed of developments as they occur and in the meantime, we wish both communities every success in this coming year.

There is still much work to be done within other elements of the strategy and we are currently engaging in a range of conversations with both state and federal governments regarding funding into the future, and particularly in relation to capital funding. We have particular interests in finding ways to support the development of a cluster of early learning centres attached to Catholic schools. Other conversations are commencing in relation to potential partnerships within this arena and while it is too early to give any firm information, suffice to say that we are exploring every avenue to facilitate this work.

Senior leaders from the office are engaged in discussion with the Archdiocese of Adelaide in relation to a new enterprise in the north, which has an educational and social services orientation. Archbishop Wilson has indicated his intention to increase the face and work of the Church in the northern suburbs, building on the very good work of existing parish, schools and other services. This work is in the earliest of conceptual stages but the intention is to progress this during 2016. It promises significant opportunities for creativity and mission.

Ensuring that all of the strategic actions are coordinated within an holistic course of action will be key to our work this year. To this end we are establishing a Strategy Implementation Steering Committee with the task of advising on the coordination of the elements of the strategy. Shortly, principals will receive an invitation to self-nominate for the committee and I invite them to consider whether they would like to be part of this important work in 2016.

All of this in the Year of Mercy! As you know, Pope Francis has instructed that this year be dedicated as the Year of Mercy and there has already been a range of events and activities within the Vatican and here in our Archdiocese to mark the year. Pilgrims have walked through the door of Mercy in a symbolic renewal of their life and commitment in faith. My hope for all of you is that this year offers the opportunity for refreshment and renewal and that you will experience and deliver the gift of mercy in all that you do.

I wish you every success for this year and I look forward to working with you again as we create opportunities for our young people and communities.

Helen O’Brien
Director: Catholic Education SA

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