Catholic Education South Australia
01 Feb 2016
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2016 School Year Begins

Over 48,000 students are starting school this week in a Catholic School in South Australia. They will be supported by over 6,000 staff members across 103 schools. This year 3,500 students will start in Reception while 3,900 students will commence in Year 8.
Students and their families have prepared for the start of the new school year, getting uniforms, technology and stationery items together and thinking about what the new school year will hold for them. Meanwhile staff in our schools and colleges have been busily preparing for the start of the 2016 school year with both new and continuing students.

Staff at the Catholic Education Office wish students, staff and leaders well as the new school year begins. At morning tea today, prayers were offered by staff for all those involved in Catholic Education SA.

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03 Sep 2024

Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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