Catholic Education South Australia
02 Feb 2016
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Delights of Beginning School

After sending good wishes to schools for a successful 2016 school year, Director of Catholic Education SA, Helen O’Brien has received some delightful stories from principals.

“The enthusiasm in their voices and stories is infectious!” Helen said.
“This is one of those times that we are reminded of the powerful roles our school communities play in the lives of the children and young people who attend our schools. This is true for the staff members and for families too. Our schools make a profound contribution to society through the young people and those who serve them”.
“In my own family, I have been intensely aware of today as a new beginning. My grand-daughter, Mia commenced Year 8, leaving behind her primary years. She tells me that she is very ‘ready and prepared for secondary school’ and I believe her. She looks so grown up in her new uniform! …” Helen said.

Here are just some of those responses:

Principal at All Saints, Seaford, Justin Cavuoto spoke of the enthusiasm and exuberance at his school: “eager and beautiful faces everywhere - that's just the staff!!!”

Justin also shared this story:

“We have just built a new ‘sea theme’ playground but it is sort of a 'blank canvass'. There is a ship in it with a wharf and a shop front/ kiosk. He asked children: ‘I wonder what we should name the ship and what the building on the jetty could be?’”

Some students’ responses:
- It could be a puppet show for the passengers on the boat;
- it should be a ticket office to buy tickets for the ship journey!
- As for the ship, it could be an ice explorer!

With tongue in cheek, Greg Hay, Principal of St Mark’s Port Pirie sent this message to Helen: “All of our children returned to school. One Reception child kicked off the shoes after recess and decided he had had enough… Blessings, deep breaths and enjoy.”

Angela Morrison, Principal at St Therese, Colonel Light Gardens, said they had a brilliant start to the new school year. “The only tears being a younger sibling who wanted to stay!” she said.

Families in every one of our communities will have experienced similar. We give thanks for great teachers, great leaders and wonderful school communities.

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03 Sep 2024

Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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