Catholic Education South Australia
04 Mar 2016
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2016 National English Literacy conference

Discover what’s happening in English teaching and literacy in
Adelaide July 7-10 2016!

Convened by the Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE) and the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA), the AATE/ALEA English literacy conference will be the nation’s peak literacy event in 2016. The conference will bring together eminent international and Australian speakers drawing on speakers current literacy theory and practice and within the context of the Australian Curriculum.

Speakers at the conference include: Melanie Shoffner (US), Sheena Cameron (NZ), Louise Dempsey (NZ), John Yandell (UK), Kath Murdoch (Aus) and Barbara Comber (Aus).

Additionally, unparalleled workshop opportunities for leaders and teachers to showcase ‘cutting edge’ literacy and curriculum practices and achievements at a national level will be provided.

Educators with a vested interest in literacy and all teachers of English are strongly encouraged to attend this conference which comes to Adelaide once every eight years. Visit the Conference website for details of keynote and plenary speakers, the program overview and registration costs:

Teachers intending to register for the conference are encouraged to register during Term 1 to receive the Early Bird registration discounted fee. A significant saving.

Please consider this wonderful professional learning opportunity and forward this email to interested colleagues in your school and networks


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