Catholic Education South Australia
07 Mar 2016
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2016 Arch D Radio Stars

On Friday, March 4, the 2016 Arch D Radio Awards were held at the DeBourg Auditorium in Sacred Heart College. During 2015, 71 students from 7 schools were a part of Arch D shows as on-air announcers and music programmers. The Arch D program broadcasts on 107.9 Life FM every Wednesday and Saturday night, and is heard by over 30,000 listeners per week.

Awards were presented in 7 categories, chosen from the nominated students that made a particularly big impact on the quality of Arch D Radio in the last year. There was also a number of “Behind the Scenes” awards for school & CEO staff and a “Special Award of Appreciation” from Arch D Producer, James Meston, to outgoing COYYA Coordinator & Arch D Co-Founder, Sarah Moffatt.

It was a wonderful night appreciated by a big audience, and was attended by Fr Philip Marshall (Vicar General), Heather Carey (Chancellor Archdiocese of Adelaide), Helen O’Brien (Director – Catholic Education SA) and Michael Chant (CEO – Life FM).

And the winners were:

Broadcaster of the Year – Cailin Alexander (St Francis De Sales College)
"In The Spirit" Award – Tahlia Sully (Cardijn College – old scholar)

Music Programmer of the Year Award – Brooke Milani & Faith Taban (Mary MacKillop College)
Male Announcer of the Year – Tom Watson (Cardijn College)
Female Announcer of the Year (Senior – Year 11 and above) – TIE - Kylie Do (Mary MacKillop College – old scholar) & Denisia Stavropolos (Cabra – old Scholar)
Female Announcer of the Year (Junior – Year 8-10) – Rylee Cooper (Cabra)
Best On-Air Team – Taylah Tanner & Cooper Duncan (Sacred Heart College)


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