Catholic Education South Australia
15 Mar 2016
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Music Scholarship for Toby

Congratulations to Toby Maughan, Class of 2015, at St Joseph’s School Port Lincoln who has been awarded the ‘Kathleen McPhee Scholarship’ in Music for 2016. This initiative was set up by Catholic Education SA and the scholarships are awarded to students who intend to study Music after completing Year 12.   Toby achieved very highly for Music units studied during Year 12, double the units normally completed. Toby is now studying a Bachelor of Music, majoring in Sonic Arts this year and has moved to Adelaide to complete his degree at Adelaide University. Well done, Toby!

The Kathleen McPhee Scholarship was established in memory of Kathleen McPhee who died in February 2001.  Kathleen McPhee had requested that a sum of money be set aside from her estate to enable a scholarship to be established to help students of music continue their studies in music at tertiary level. The Scholarship is awarded each year to a Year 12 student in a Catholic School who has studied Music at Year 12 level and is accepted into a Bachelor of Music/Music Education course at the University of Adelaide or an approved tertiary institution in Australia.

To find out more about St Joseph’s School Port Lincoln please visit their website.

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