Catholic Education South Australia
04 Apr 2016
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Holy Week story presentations

During Holy week, every Catholic school remembers the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. This commemoration looks different from school to school. At Emmaus Catholic school, we gathered as a community each morning as classes took turns presenting the Holy week stories. The tea towels and dressing gowns doubled as costumes and parents and grandparents joined us as we prepared to reflect on the way of the cross.

We began with junior classes presenting Palm Sunday in a jubilant fashion with plenty of crepe paper streamers and music to match. The mood became much more sombre as middle primary students depicted the events of Holy Thursday and this mood continued the next morning through the Stations of the Cross enacted by our senior students.

Finally, we joined together again after Easter to celebrate the resurrection and students danced out of the assembly hall.

The story never gets old, the message is timeless.
God loves us all – more than we can know.
Jesus is alive, living in and through each of us.

“We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song”!
Happy Easter! From the students, staff and families at Emmaus.

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