Catholic Education South Australia
16 May 2016
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Raising the Roof to Launch Catholic Education Week

Rostrevor College hosted 'Battle of the Bands' to launch Catholic Education Week on Friday evening from 6 to 8pm, 13 May. With 300 performers and 1000 in the audience the night was a huge success.The event was open to all Catholic schools in South Australia, with Rostrevor inviting schools to perform via their rock/stage bands and choirs.

Susan Young, Assistant Director of Catholic Education was delighted to officially open this Catholic Education Week event on behalf of Helen O’Brien, Director of Catholic Education SA.

The concert was the idea of deputy head prefect Steven Oh and was supported by the prefects. Initially the energetic leaders planned an internal event but grew it to include interested Catholic schools, both primary and secondary. Rostrevor principal Simon Dash embraced the 2016 prefects initiative and this very successful major Catholic Education Week event was born. Steven wanted the event to create an atmosphere where everyone is unified under a harmonious heartbeat and that was certainly achieved.

Schools sent a variety of talent-packed performances to this non-competitive event. They included: St Aloysius Primary Choir and Senior Stage Band, CBC Senior Band, St Mary's Senior Rock Band, St Paul's College Junior Rock Band, St Francis of Assisi Duet, Rostrevor College Senior and Junior Rock Bands, St Francis Xavier Rock Band and Senior Ensemble, Loreto College Year 10 Rock Band and St Francis of Assisi Choir.

Simon Dash praised the event saying, "I think it is a fantastic initiative, led by our student leaders and is an opportunity to bring Catholic schools together in a friendly non-competitive environment to celebrate our common identity."

Entry to Battle of the Bands was a gold coin donation raising $1,000 to be donated to Catholic Charities.

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