Catholic Education South Australia
20 May 2016
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Southern Vales Regional Youth Mass

‘Called to Love’ was the theme expressed at our Southern Vales Regional Youth Mass held on Thursday 19 May at Cardijn College, in celebration of Catholic Education Week and  recognition of the International World Youth Day event being held in Krakow, Poland, from July 25-31. 

Joseph Catania, Assistant to the Principal at Cardijn College said:
“We were blessed to have Most Reverend Archbishop Philip Wilson DD JCL as celebrant of our Eucharist gathering. Together with 2500 students, staff, families and friends from Cardijn College, Marcellin Technical College, All Saints, Emmaus, Galilee, St John and Antonio came together as a community to celebrate this wonderful occasion”.


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03 Sep 2024

Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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