Catholic Education South Australia
07 Jun 2016
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Director Visits Our Lady of Grace, Glengowrie

Helen O’Brien, Director of Catholic Education SA reflects on her visit to Our Lady of Grace School:

Some weeks ago, I received an online invitation to visit Our Lady of Grace School at Glengowrie: and so I did visit last week. I was met by an enthusiastic group of students who told me about their school and their learning. Principal, Ms Shana Bennett shared with me the work that the staff had undertaken in developing the philosophical underpinnings of their learning and teaching programs. I could see the documentation from their work on the staffroom walls that is a living history of the staff’s engagement.

I visited the classrooms and found young people who understood themselves as learners and how they might be more intentional in developing their learning behaviours. Some spoke to me about the learning ‘pit’, a space where the sense of discomfort and unease precede the moment of understanding and new capacity. Importantly, these young people understood that they could act to move themselves out of the ‘pit’ into new moments of being and understanding; such sophisticated analysis!

I joined a new group of mums with small children who were engaging in the new Supported Playgroup in Schools (SPINS) program that is offered at the school. It seemed like a great deal of fun to me, and I was impressed to see the 2-3 year olds responding physically to music note cue cards – early reading at its best.

Perhaps one of the loveliest aspects of such school visits is to hear first-hand from the principal about their hopes and dreams and what they have achieved thus far. Shana clearly loves her school and community. It was wonderful to witness her energy and commitment. Congratulations!

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Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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