Catholic Education South Australia
10 Jun 2016
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Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities farewells Ann Bliss

Staff at the Catholic Education Office thanked and farewelled Ann Bliss at a special Morning Tea this week, as she concludes her role as Executive Director of the Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities after 10 years. Ann will take up the role of Community Development Leader at Nazareth Catholic Community.

Helen O’Brien, Director of Catholic Education SA, recognised Ann’s contribution to developing the role of the Federation, particularly in developing the role of parents as partners across the State. “We owe you an immense debt of gratitude; your invitational and insistent message about the role of parents as true partners, in the educational endeavours for young people. Your work has brought about new understandings of what is not only desirable but possible,” she said.

Helen recognised Ann’s contribution at the National level too.

“At a state and national level, I’ve valued your expertise and insights into the strategic and political agendas. Your analysis is powerful and insightful”.

Ann said that she had really appreciated the role and valued working so closely with Catholic Education SA. She recognised the support she has received from the Council of the Federation, many who were present at this gathering.

Monique Russell, President of the Federation Council spoke of the deep appreciation that she and the Council had for Ann’s outstanding leadership and support. Both Monique and Helen wished Ann well for the future.

“We wish you every blessing in your new role at Nazareth. How fortunate that community is to have you work with them,” Helen said.

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13 May 2016

A number of our schools have featured in The Advertiser in the lead up to Catholic Education Week (May 13 – 20).

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