Catholic Education South Australia
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22 Jun 2016
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St Joseph’s celebrates Eco-Week

Recently, St Joseph’s School Port Lincoln focused on the environment by celebrating ‘Eco Week’. Lead by the Year 10-12 SRC, students engaged in many different activities to raise awareness of how we should be nurturing and caring for our environment.

An ‘Eco Gratitude Tree’ was displayed in the foyer of the Resource Centre, showing everyone what the students are grateful for in their environment. Primary and secondary classes ‘buddied up’ for a whole school clean up, and students were encouraged to bring in zero rubbish and ‘nude’ lunchboxes on ‘Waste Free Wednesday’.

Trees and shrubs were planted on the school grounds and the SRC made and sold healthy smoothies at lunchtime. Money raised from selling the smoothies to staff and students during the week was donated to representatives from the local environmental charity ‘Friends of the Parnkalla Trail’ to support their good work on the Eyre Peninsula. Environmentally focused prayers and environmental facts were also shared each morning in classes.

Representatives from ‘Friends of the Parnkalla Trail’, Lesley Easson (Secretary) and Bron Saint (Treasurer), were presented with a cheque on behalf of the school from the SJS Senior Leaders, Jamie, Charlie, Sam, Abby and Millie.


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