Catholic Education South Australia
16 Jun 2016
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In God’s eyes…every child matters...every person matters….every family matters!

As part of the Catholic Education Week celebrations at St Anthony’s School, Edwardstown - the children, staff and parents participated in a Multi-cultural parade that helped us to experience that we belong to a global community and what is at the heart of a Catholic school. The word ‘catholic’ means ‘universal’, ‘all embracing’. Inspired and guided by the Catholic Social Teaching principle which upholds the dignity of every person, we were honoured to learn about each other and the stories of our families.

 As children and adults paraded in the costumes and colours of their family’s cultural heritage, we were amazed and touched by the diversity and richness of our community. Students had spent some time in classes and at home learning about the flags and the countries with which their families are connected. We paraded and proudly waved the flags of all the places we have come from and we learned to say hello in Wirangu, Nepalese, Tamul, Sri Lankan, Italian, Greek, Polish, Gaelic, Arabic, Slovenian, German, Laotian, Chinese, Filipino, Sudanese, Spanish, and Dutch…as well as with Scottish, English, Canadian, South African and New Zealand accents!

We were privileged to share in the family lives of some of the children as we were entertained by Bollywood, Greek, Spanish, Irish and Filipino dancers. We heard from two families who proudly shared the story of how their grandfather travelled from Syria many years ago looking for a better life for his family…and we were honoured that Grandpa joined the children on the stage and shared a bit of his story. We learned that the grandmother of one of our indigenous families is writing a book to help preserve the language of her people – and we had a go at saying some words from the Wirangu mob. We had fun watching some children perform the Maori Haka and we learned about the family tartan of some of our Scottish families.

We were reminded that, every child is a ‘gift’, every family has a story and every human being finds meaning in the place where they belong.

We were also reminded that the story of Jesus is central to the life of a Catholic school…
In his life he showed us that all people matter to God – especially those who feel marginalised and different
In his stories he helped people to understand the abundant love and mercy of God for all people and all creation
In his death he showed us that God understands what it is like to suffer and be left alone
In his resurrection he showed us that love never ends…love is greater than fear…

And his Spirit of extravagant hospitality and inclusiveness continues to challenge, inspire and guide our community.

Our multi-cultural parade in Catholic Education Week was a wonderful example of the capacity for the human heart to reach out and be connected with each other and in this way we experienced something of the heart and mystery of God.

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Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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