Catholic Education South Australia
21 Jun 2016
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VET Pathways meeting Regional Employment Needs

A regional Vocational Education and Training (VET) workshop was held at the Port Lincoln Aboriginal Community Centre last week between all secondary schools in the Port Lincoln region. The purpose was to link VET pathways more closely with local regional employment needs. These include health care and community services, retail, tourism, manufacturing, construction, fishing, accommodation and food services. Partnerships between schools, local industry and TAFE SA were also explored in order to strengthen VET offerings for students and maximise their post-school opportunities.

The discussions were informed by a very thought-provoking presentation by Peter Mitchell, Employment & Skills Development Manager from Regional Development Authority. A strong commitment to furthering the partnerships was expressed by all school principals and sector representatives.
This is a great example of how collaboration between CESA and TAFE SA provides opportunities for secondary students and is the first of a series of VET workshops being held in regional centres.

In the photo are principals and VET Coordinators from the three secondary schools in Port Lincoln: St Joseph’s School, Navigator College, Port Lincoln High School. Also in the photo are staff members from CESA, AISSA, DECD and TAFE SA. A special guest was the Employment & Skills Development Manager from Regional Development Authority.


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Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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