Catholic Education South Australia
24 Jun 2016
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Don't let your children lose in this election

Catholic Education South Australia has joined with the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA) to call for fairer funding for South Australian school students.

The two organisations have placed a joint advertisement in The Advertiser on Saturday June 25.

The key messages in this full page advertisement are that:

  • SA school children receive less funding than students elsewhere across the nation.
  • In 2017 South Australian Catholic & Independent school students will receive up to $35 million less in Commonwealth funding than if they went to school in any other state or territory.
  • We want funding fairness for all South Australian school students in Catholic, Independent and government schools.

“All young people in SA deserve the same level of funding as that in other states. There is a significant difference in funding levels and this simply isn’t sustainable,” says Helen O’Brien, Director, Catholic Education South Australia.

“We’re asking parents to consider this as we move into the election space. The wellbeing of our schools and young people depends on it.”

Parents are encouraged to explore the facts at the following websites:

  • School Funding Facts 
    This website gives facts about how Catholic Schools are funded.
  • Learn to Grow
    This website has been developed by One Community SA to promote investment in education.

Download the advertisement (pdf)

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