Catholic Education South Australia
15 Jun 2016
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Cardijn and Cabra in Intercol Sports

On Wednesday 8 June Cardijn College hosted the first official Inter-College Championship (Intercol) between Cardijn College and Cabra Dominican College. Students from Years 8 to12 competed in soccer, football, netball and basketball for the coveted Smith-O’Grady Cup, in honour of Br Walter Smith FMS, the founding principal of Cardijn College and Mr Shamus O'Grady, the first lay principal of Cabra Dominican College.

The competition kicked off at 4pm, with football and soccer, on the fresh grounds of Cardijn College. The boundary lines were busy with students, staff, friends and families of both colleges all cheering on. The soccer and the football matches were a close competition with both colleges showing skill, finesse and control on the green. Cardijn won both games with a soccer score of 2 to nil and a nail biting footy game, finishing with a 16 point lead for Cardijn and a final score of 10 goals, 4 points to 6 goals, 12 points.

Following the football and soccer was netball in the gym. The Cardijn and Cabra teams warmed up to music pumping and a very excited crowd. It was an incredibly close start, but Cardijn soon surged ahead and maintained their lead, winning the game  by 11 goals, 33 to 22.

Basketball was the final sport on the evening’s agenda, and one that Cabra was really looking forward to and no wonder! Their dunking in the warm-up elevated the crowd who knew they were settling in for a night of entertainment. The constant pressure of Cabra on the Cardijn team meant that they came away with a huge win of 71–13.

Overall, Cardijn won the Smith-O’Grady Cup, with three game wins to Cabra’s impressive one in basketball. The competition was highly spirited and a remarkable level of talent was put on display. Congratulations to all students who were involved in the Intercol. All involved are looking forward to a long-standing tradition of sport between the two schools.

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