Catholic Education South Australia
09 Aug 2016
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Making a World-wide Difference

St Joseph's School, Port Lincoln, celebrated Eco Week 2016 and made a special Eco Gratitude Tree that is proudly displayed on the Resource Centre window. This activity was coordinated by School Captain, Millie Russell, after her leadership conference for Josephite Student Leaders in Sydney, and was supported by the rest of the Year 12 Student Leadership Team.

Images of the tree have been displayed on the Josephite organisation's website and social media pages, where it attracted the attention of organisers of World Youth Day and the Catholic Climate Change organisation.

This activity was replicated at the recent World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland where about a million young people from around the world gathered. Attendees were invited to write a prayer or message of gratitude on a leaf which was placed on a special tree.... which was then blessed by Pope Francis.

St Joseph’s students were delighted to think that an activity in their relatively small community sparked something over the other side of the world in which a million people were involved, including Pope Francis. The Year 12 Leaders are rightfully proud of this and it just goes to show that you never know what impact you might be having or who is taking notice of what you are doing.

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Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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