Catholic Education South Australia
18 Aug 2016
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St Albert’s Celebrations Recall ‘the Nifty Fifties’

St Albert's Catholic School, Loxton, in conjunction with its 60th birthday celebrations, held its 20th annual Auction with a Difference - raising over $16,000 for the school, over last weekend.

On Sunday, Bishop Gregory O’Kelly celebrated the Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass with current and past members of the school and parish communities.

The theme for the Auction evening was 'nifty fifties' in a nod to when the school was established. Guests came dressed in their best 50s inspired outfits for the evening in competition for the title of 'best dressed'. The bidding was fierce, with 60 items available in the main auction, including items made by students.

Principal Brett Czechowski said the auction attracted one of its largest crowds in many years.
“All of the lots attracted interest from the crowd and each item sold for more than its reserve,” Brett said.

One big ticket item included the Year 6/7 rustic light-up 'welcome' sign, which went for over $600.

The event came after an open day and reunion for the schools' old scholars, held as part of the 60th birthday celebrations. Students from the student representative council lead guided tours for the visitors, some of whom had attended the school from when it was establish in 1956.

Mr Czechowski, himself an old scholar, said the guests had “fond” memories of their time at the school. “The old scholars were going through the archives and sharing stories about the nuns,” he said. “They all mentioned how appreciative they were that while the students today are afforded opportunities that they weren't, the sense of community remains." 

"The students also took particular delight in pointing out their principal in the archive and how silly he looked in the black and white photos – they thought that was pretty funny,”

 “It was a hugely successful weekend thanks to the labour of a great many,” Principal Brett said.

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