Catholic Education South Australia
16 Aug 2016
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Reflections on the Kiribati outreach experience

Kiribati was an invaluable experience, and a real emotional rollercoaster. It was amazing seeing how happy the children were with the simple things they have, and the enthusiasm shown towards learning. I reflect on this daily and remind myself how lucky I am.
Kristin Fanto
St Joseph’s School, Port Lincoln

An amazing experience! Humbling at the way we were made to feel so welcome. Inspired by the beautiful Sisters whose daily lives showed us what it truly means to see the face of God through another human being. Touched by the excitement and smiles on the faces of the children.  I have come away from this experience richer as a person and an educator and look forward to sharing what I have learned with my students and community.
Karen Cash
St Albert’s School, Loxton

I was overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the people but in particular the Good Samaritan Sisters, they were just so beautiful. Never have I met sisters so young and full of life. Everything about them, the way they welcome, nurture the young and reach out to the marginalised epitomises Catholicism.
Kate Kilpatrick
St Mark’s College, Port Pirie

The Sisters were so welcoming and accommodating. Most of my insights were about how the people of Kiribati live. I was challenged to imagine myself living in a one room thatched hut with my whole family – no walls for protection from the elements. No fresh drinking water straight out of a tap or refrigeration to store food. The feeling among our group was excellent and the Sisters brought joy and laughter to everyone around them.
Bridget Castle
Caritas College, Port Augusta

I loved it! If you said to me before the trip that living with nuns for a week and a half would be an amazingly fun experience I would not have believed you. This ‘Kiribati Commitment’ program must continue. The needs in Kiribati are so great. If we could extend the work the Good Samaritan Sisters do in Kiribati that would be amazing.
Tom Gilligan
St Mary Mackillop School, Wallaroo

I was humbled and inspired by the time spent in Kiribati. This experience cements that Catholic Education in the Port Pirie Diocese is a caring, forward-thinking organisation which cares about the wellbeing of our shared global environment, not just our local area. This can only enrich our teaching and students’ learning about who they are as global citizens and how we all can be God’s hands here on Earth.
Bridget Kennelly
St James’ School, Jamestown

I feel incredibly blessed to have been a part of the Kiribati Commitment. The simplicity of life in Kiribati is nothing like I have ever experienced before, and the joyfulness embedded within i-Kiribati culture was inspirational. The Good Samaritan Sisters are among the kindest, hardworking, humble and cheerful people I have ever met. I have never laughed so much in my life!
Morwenna Stanford
St Barbara’s Parish School, Roxby Downs

The Outreach Experience to Kiribati was truly rewarding. The friendships and bonds that were created within a short amount of time will last a life time. I feel incredibly privileged that I was able to be a part of the inaugural Kiribati Commitment.
Josh McKenzie
St Joseph’s School, Port Lincoln

The welcome we received at the airport from the Sisters was overwhelming. I was not expecting anything like that. The Sisters are a perfect example of what a Good Samaritan should look like. The work that they do not only in the Early Learning Centre but in the whole community is outstanding. They are a noble example for the future generations of Good Samaritan Sisters.

Cristina Torres
Samaritan College, Whyalla

I came home feeling extremely grateful for what we have in Australia and it has changed many of my life views. I have really enjoyed teaching my students about this incredible island and explaining to them that some people are not as lucky as us and do not have the items we use and need daily. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget.
Rahni Stephens
St Joseph’s School, Peterborough

There were many WOW moments – small moments or personal interactions, but sill WOW moments. When first arriving back home, it was hard to put into words, to convey to others how special the experience was. I felt very lucky when I was sharing my photos and stories that I had been part of a once in a lifetime opportunity. I felt emotional leaving Kiribati. I reflected over there on just how simple their life is – a pleasant simpleness and one that is surely not acceptable in the 21st century? The big questions is, “how do we best support the people of Kiribati?”
Angela Jordan
St Mark’s College, Port Pirie

Where do I start? Enriching, eye-opening, heart-warming, confronting and life changing. I gained a greater perspective on the simplicity of education. So much of the time we focus on the new and great when really the process of sharing information and experience can occur in the most humble of settings to the same degree of effect.
Erin McIntee
Samaritan College, Whyalla


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