Catholic Education South Australia
19 Sep 2016
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Samoan Siva Entertains at Xavier and St Brigid’s

In August, Xavier College, Gawler, was one of a cohort of Salesian schools who were lucky enough to play host to students from the Don Bosco Technical School in Alafua, Samoa.  The Technical Centre was established in the 1970s by the Salesians of Don Bosco, and offers not only education, faith development and community support, but has also become well known for creating one of the best traditional entertainment troupes in the country.

Siva is the Samoan word for dance, and Pese means song. Traditional singing and dancing is a vital part of the Samoan culture; the tour aimed to share this culture with the wider community.

The Xavier College community was lucky enough to have this group of very talented students ably led by Father Chris Ford come and share their culture and faith with us by taking us through mini-performances and assemblies.  Students were treated to a traditional school assembly which included singing both the Samoan and Australian national anthems; prayer and Old Testament stories; messages about social justice and human dignity, as well as vibrant dance and song.

Workshops were held at St Brigid’s Catholic School, Evanston, which culminated in a whole school concert. The workshops were held from Reception to Year 7, and certainly left the students with a unique experience of dance and culture. The tour culminated in a public performance held in the MacKillop Arts Theatre at St Brigid’s Catholic School, which was attended by close to 200 people. The performance was a show case of dynamic entertainment with exciting and energetic dancing and music, all underpinned by wonderful messages of faith, prayer, respect and values.

While the tour is a huge undertaking for the Don Bosco Technical Centre, the support given to it by many members of Xavier College community is also recognised. Xavier College extends thanks to St Brigid’s Catholic School and Gennaro Manella.

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Twenty students from Catholic schools in South Australia have been named among the winners in two major state-wide Humanities competitions.

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