Catholic Education South Australia
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26 Oct 2016
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Eileen Young in Principals Australia Awards 2016

The annual John Laing Awards for Professional Development acknowledge principals in every state and territory who demonstrate outstanding leadership in providing professional learning in schools. They celebrate the contribution of school leaders who have undertaken, and supported the professional learning of teachers and others.
Eileen was nominated by the Association of Principals of Catholic Secondary Schools and Paul Rijken, President of the Association, presented Eileen at this morning’s 2016 Awards ceremony.

The Award recognises Eileen for her involvement in education for over 40 years in both DECD and Catholic Education and in fact her significant contribution to education in South Australia. In the past 12 years as Principal of St Mary’s College, Franklin Street, she has been a great advocate for girls’ education.

Eileen has used her leadership role to inspire others and nurture leadership from a ‘strength based’ perspective. She has also developed a system-wide leadership perspective and has influenced a broad range of school leaders through the various roles she has filled. This was particularly the case in her responsibility for introducing Choice Theory into Catholic schools in SA a number of years ago, and more recently promoting the use of Restorative Practices as a framework for the development of personal responsibility. Eileen has shared her skills and expertise in this area with other schools in Australia and overseas.

Her role as Strategic Advisor to the Director of Catholic Education SA in 2014 gives an indication of the esteem in which Eileen is held in the Catholic system, and also of her effectiveness in influencing her colleagues.

Eileen is recognised as a wonderful teacher, an inspiring and creative leader, and a supportive and encouraging mentor to many. She is a very worthy recipient of the 2016 John Laing Award. Congratulations Eileen!

Also in the PAI Awards is Bernadette Lacey, nominated by the South Australian Primary Principals Association. Congratulations Bernadette!


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