Caritas College is proud to partner with the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) and BHP Billiton Foundation to provide an opportunity for girls in Years 9 and 10 from Catholic schools from around the Upper Spencer Gulf region to work with local industry role models exploring links between maths and career choices.
Local ‘champions’ work with students showcasing examples of the wide range of post-school options available to them, including trades, management, health and environmental science, all of which are enhanced through the continued study and application of mathematical skills. This national showcase event also provides practical activities for students to deepen their understanding of the many ways maths is applied in daily life and work.
A ‘Choose Maths Girls Enjoying Maths Day was held on August 11 2017 at Caritas College and hosted girls from Whyalla’s Samaritan and Port Pirie’s St Marks Colleges. This was a day of exploration and engagement, of challenging perceptions and considering pathways and possibilities. This particular event focussed on encouraging girls to engage more fully in maths and science at school (in response to national data that indicates this is an area of need), and is one element of the national five-year partnership program that Caritas has adopted.
The ongoing, intensive and highly expert support that is provided through AMSI over these five-years includes teacher professional learning that directly impacts on improved Maths teaching and learning for all students, as well as mentoring and coaching for individuals and groups of Maths teachers and students.
Tuesday 8 August was the Feast Day of St Mary MacKillop of the Cross – a day when we focus on service and outreach in action. Over 100 staff members from Catholic Education Office volunteered their time helping those in need through a diverse range of activities.