Catholic Education South Australia
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05 Sep 2017
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Young artists encouraged to share Christmas message

The Southern Cross is calling for students in the Adelaide Archdiocese to use their artistic skills to design Archbishop Wilson’s 2017 Christmas card.

The winning design will be used on the Archbishop’s digital Christmas message and printed cards.

Entries are open in the following categories:

• Reception to Year 2
• Years 3-5
• Years 6-9
• Years 10-12

The images should be no larger than A4 size and can be created by hand or computer-generated.

Images around the nativity and the holy family are preferred to the more secular Christmas presents and Santa Claus themes.

The winning entry for each category will be published in the December issue of The Southern Cross and winners will also receive a Wallis Cinemas pass to the movies. All entries will be displayed in the foyer of St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.

The closing date for the competition will be Friday November 17. Please send to The Southern Cross, 39 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000, with name, address, school and age included.

If you have any queries, please contact Jenny Brinkworth on 8210 8147 or

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