Catholic Education South Australia
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10 Nov 2017
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St Mary's College students win engineering challenge

Students from St Mary’s College recently took part in the State Exploration Challenge.

The challenge is part of a series of programs run by StemNation – an initiative that gives young people opportunities to engage in science, technology, engineering and maths through creative projects that promote innovation and collaboration.

Since Term 1, four Year 10 students, Kiara, Jasmine, Richa and Amber from St Mary’s College have been working on an engineering project based activity at lunch and after school.

The girls’ challenge was to design a machine that would allow them to drive through a tunnel and collect soil samples along the way, all without being able to see the vehicle!

The final challenge took place last week at Golden Grove, where the students met with industry leaders and politicians to present what they have been doing and complete the challenge circuit course.

The girls from St Mary’s won the State Exploration Challenge and were commended on the excellence of both their project and overall presentation.

To find out more about the opportunities available to students through StemNation go to

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