Catholic Education South Australia
15 Nov 2017
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Students attend Ngunyawayiti Ngadluku Ngartu-itya

More than 140 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from 40 Catholic schools from Aldinga to Clare attended the Ngunyawayiti Ngadluku Ngartu-itya (Celebration for Children) Days held in November.

Ngunyawayiti Ngadluku Ngartu-itya is a program offered by Catholic Education SA’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education team.

This program is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Years R-7 in Catholic schools and gives them an opportunity to express themselves, deepen their understanding and learn more about their cultural heritage and identity.

Students in Reception to Year 2 gathered at the Living Kaurna Language Centre at Bedford Park on November 9.

The program included engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Warriparinga Bushtucker. There were also history and music workshops where participants deepened their understanding of language, colonization, native plants, animals, scar trees and wetlands. Students also explored Cultural knowledge, music and traditional instruments and Aboriginal Survival technologies.

The following day students in Years 3 to 7 met at Tauondi Aboriginal College at Port Adelaide.

Students engaged in cultural performances, learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges in relation to traditional and modern cultural expressions of (Aboriginal and Christian) Spirituality. The day included a focus on language, music, dance and song, and Aboriginal Survival technologies. There was also an opportunity for leadership development for the Year 6 and 7 students. 

The sessions were led by Kaurna Cultural Officer Tamaru, Jonathan Lindsay-Tjapaltjarri Hermawan, Philip ‘Wildman’ Green and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Team.

Both days culminated in powerful ceremonies involving parents, staff and students.


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