Catholic Education South Australia
15 Dec 2017
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Sensory garden enhances student wellbeing

Children’s wellbeing and the Pope’s encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ are two inspirations behind a new sensory garden.

The garden was officially opened at Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Brompton on December 15.

The sensory garden space aim to help students:

  • further develop their sense of self
  • deepen their relationship with God
  • nurture their faith
  • enhance peace and happiness
  • improve wellbeing
  • create a greater understanding of our integral connection to God’s creation.

The garden was developed after students and teachers developed their understanding of the power of peacefulness experienced through the senses as they explored ‘Laudato Si’.

The project was enhanced thanks to a grant and practical support from the Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisation.

“In creating long term sustainable change, it was important to have all stakeholders part of this process,” explains Lisa McCormick, Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission.

“We formed a sensory garden committee, including parents, students and staff, to lead the developments, changing our cottage garden into a sensory garden for our school community.”

Over time, students, parents and staff explored the notion of a sensory garden, generated and analysed ideas through excursions and undertaking research, and then designed their very own garden.  The parent group supported the students throughout the process and  synthesised their ideas together to create a plan. Over 30 families supported a working bee to move their plans from paper to reality.

The garden is now becoming well established with a seating circle and plants of different textures, scents and sounds.

“A central focus is our heart shaped raised garden bed which reflects our heart spirituality and connection to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and Daughters of our Lady of the Sacred Heart charism,” explains Lisa.

“Our 2018 school theme is ‘connectedness.’ We have invited every student and staff member to write their name and year on a pebble and then through prayer, placed the pebble into the circle of sand where it becomes a symbol of connectedness to self, God, others and creation.  

“From now on, every new student will write their name on a pebble and place it in the circle.  This will build a tradition and become part of our story.”

Students and teachers are excited to have a new space to escape from their urban community and intentionally connect with nature, wellbeing and spirituality.


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