Catholic Education South Australia
09 Mar 2018
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Arch D Radio Awards 2018

On Friday night, March 3, Catholic Education SA & the Archdiocese of Adelaide celebrated their annual red carpet event, the 2018 Arch D Radio Awards. Catholic school students & young people were nominated in 12 categories this year, acknowledging excellence in radio broadcasting on Adelaide’s Catholic youth radio show, Arch D, which airs every Wednesday and Saturday night on station 1079 Life. The show has grown considerably over the years, and now has 37,000 weekly listeners, and a podcast version which has now been heard in over 50 countries. Special guests included Archbishop Wilson, 1079 Life’s David Turrell & Bec Seabrooke, and Craig Bruce, Austereo’s former national program director who was instrumental in the creation of the Hamish & Andy show, and Kyle & Jackie-O on Sydney breakfast.

Over 160 people attended the event at Sacred Heart College’s DeBourg Auditorium, and the winners and student presenters acknowledged the big impact that being involved in Arch D has had upon their confidence, media skills, future career considerations, and faith formation.

This year’s winners were:

1. Broadcaster of the Year - Denisia Stavropolos (Old Scholar – Cabra)
For the most outstanding contribution of the year to Arch D Radio, in development, enthusiasm & performance.

2. “In The Spirit” Award – Cailin Alexander (St Francis De Sales)
For the student/young person who most successfully translated their experience of Catholic faith/values in a positive, affirming & relatable way on-air.
3. “Anchor of the Year” Award - Mary-Anne Maio (Henley Antioch)

For the student/young person who most successfully learned and applied the skills of directing the on-air content and conversation of the announcing team.
4. “Talk Break of the Year” Award – Luke Wormald & Rachael Park (Sacred Heart)

For the team of students/young people who delivered the most outstanding 3-5 minute segment of content in 2017.
5. “Most Listened Podcast” Award - Podcast #47 – Alexia Hill, Noah Keeley & Elijah Brewster (Cabra)

For the team of students/young people whose show podcast was the most downloaded/streamed in 2017.
6. “Rising Star” Award - Caitlin Chapple (Sacred Heart Marymount)

For the student up to Year 8 who has shown the most potential for great radio performance in 2017.
7. On-Air Team of the Year – Tayer Stead, Emma Baguley & Katie Panton (Cabra)

For the 2 or 3 students/young people who had the on air ‘chemistry’ that created the most professional and entertaining radio.
8. Music Programmers of the Year - Anthea Wills & Athieng Akol (St Columba)

Awarded to the team who created the highest quality music playlist, based on the format & requirements of Arch D Radio.
Announcers of the Year

Awarded in male & female, junior (up to Year 10) and senior (Year 11 and above) categories, for the on-air announcers in 2016 that showed the most potential, improvement and great performance.

9. Female Announcer (Senior) - Hannah Green (Cabra

10. Female Announcer (Junior)- Kaitlyn Davey (Cardijn)
11. Male Announcer (Senior) - Tom Basso (Rostrevor)
12. Male Announcer (Junior) - Bailey O’Connor (St Francis De Sales)


Photos courtesy of The Southern Cross

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