Catholic Education South Australia
12 Apr 2018
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St Gabriel's annual Caritas Carnival

On Monday 9th of April, St. Gabriel’s School, Enfield leaders organised a Caritas Carnival - a fun experience for the school community to enjoy.

Caritas Carnival is an annual event at St. Gabriel's and it is centred around the stories from Project Compassion. Several of the stalls that were planned were designed around the key points of the stories. One of stalls featured Finding Janaki’s Goat - using an augmented reality app provided by Caritas Australia. Others sold stationary packs (which included stamps to advocate “stamp out poverty”) as well as a photo booth available to carnival goers and a fun activity were the students got to throw a wet sponge at the principal and deputy principal.

The students were invited to bring up to $5.00 to exchange into tickets - which is spent on stalls. These stalls help the student to understand what it is like to be living in a place other than Australia and how fortunate we are to live in Australia.

St. Gabriel’s School fundraised almost $1000, which will been included with the money raised in the Project Compassion donation boxes and passed onto Caritas Australia.

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