Catholic Education South Australia
14 May 2018
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Winner of the Kathleen McPhee Music Scholarship

On Friday 11 May, Benjamin Lainio, who completed Year 12 at Nazareth College in 2017, was awarded the Kathleen McPhee Music Scholarship.

The one thousand dollar Scholarship is awarded to a Year 12 student in a Catholic School who is studying Music at Year 12 level and is accepted into a Bachelor of Music/Music Education course at the University of Adelaide or an approved tertiary institution in Australia.

Ben has commenced a Bachelor of Music – Music Performance Jazz at Elder Conservatorium, University of Adelaide.

The award ceremony was attended by Ms Felicity Millerd, daughter of Kathleen McPhee; Ben’s friends and family; trumpet tutor Hayden King; representative from the music teaching cohort at Nazareth College Mr Wes Brice; and a member of the selection panel, Ms Jennifer Trijo from Mercedes College.

CEO representation included Scholarship Planner and Catholic Schools Music Festival Coordinator Mrs Samantha Taylor, Assistant Director Ms Monica Conway and Director of Catholic Education Dr Neil McGoran, who conducted the official presentation.

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