Catholic Education South Australia
11 Jun 2018
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School Board Forum a Success

A conversation in a car park has led to a new initiative by the South Australia Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) to engage with chairpersons of Catholic school boards.

SACCS chair Professor Denis Ralph said his first conversation with a school chairperson about ways to better communicate with school boards was followed by two similar informal discussions.

As a result, the decision was made to establish a School Board Chairpersons’ Forum to discuss matters of significance for Catholic Education in South Australia and to further strengthen the partnership between SACCS and Catholic school communities.

A small planning group was formed comprising Dr Neil McGoran, director of Catholic Education SA; Nichii Mardon, Director, Diocese of Port Pirie; Marie Dorrington, chair of the board, St Michael’s College; Tricia Hicks, chair of the board, St Patrick’s Technical College; and Mark Michael, chair of the board, Our Lady of Hope School.

The inaugural forum was held at the Catholic Education Office on May 10.

Its main purpose was to discuss matters of significance for Catholic Education in South Australia and to further strengthen the partnership between SACCS and Catholic school communities.

The forum included an address by Dr McGoran in which he presented a comprehensive outline of the opportunities and challenges facing Catholic Education over the next decade.

This was followed by discussion groups focused on Dr McGoran’s presentation, and an opportunity to raise any other matters of significance relating to their schools and colleges.

There was also an opportunity for participants to meet with other school board chairs from their Catholic school clusters to share matters of mutual interest.

Professor Ralph said following the outstanding success of the event there would be a similar forum for school board chairpersons in 2019.

Two other forums are planned for this year, in Mt Gambier on June 27 and another in Port Pirie at a date yet to be finalised.


Article based on 'School board forum as success', originally published in the Southern Cross on May 29, 2018.

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