Catholic Education South Australia
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06 Jul 2020
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St Patrick’s Technical College welcomes Year 10 enrolments

St Patrick’s Technical College, Edinburgh North will expand to become a Year 10 to 12 senior secondary school from 2021.

Currently South Australia’s only stand-alone Year 11 and 12 vocational education and training (VET) college, St Patrick’s is now taking applications for enrolment for Year 10 students for the inaugural year.

St Patrick's Technical College is one of South Australia’s premier vocational education secondary colleges training the next generation of workers. The purpose built, specialist trade training school currently offers education, training and apprenticeship pathways to Year 11 and 12 students.

The inclusion of Year 10 from 2021 will give students the ability to focus on career education a year earlier and become higher quality and trained pre-vocational students who are ready for a world of work and further tertiary education.

“Year 10 will build on students’ skills and general capabilities, beginning a journey that assists them to find accurate and reliable careers information and advice on learning, training and work pathways,” said Mr Danny Deptula, St Patrick’s Technical College Principal.

“By matching a student’s education choices with their desired career choice, students will be able to make more informed careers decisions, leading them to a direct pathway into their desired occupation”.

The college is committed to having a positive impact on the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of young people and the wider community in the Northern Adelaide region.

“Year 10 will provide young people with the chance to engage in learning opportunities relevant to their needs, enabling them to increase their chances of successfully completing the SACE, gaining an apprenticeship and realising improved social and life outcomes”, said Mr Deptula.

For more information about Year 10 at St Patrick’s Technical College from 2021, see here:

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