Catholic Education South Australia
16 Oct 2020
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Messages to the graduating class of 2020

Neil McGoran, Director, Catholic Education South Australia, has recorded a video message to the graduating class of 2020, to acknowledge the challenging year that Year 12s have faced.



“Normally Year 12 has its challenges, such as assignments, tests and examinations…and amongst that you have many rites of passage such as formals, graduation, sporting events, cultural activities, arts and music. You have to find a balance between study and those important events that are a part of year 12.

It is always important to manage your time, to be resilient, to stay on top of your workload, you would have all prepared for that.

But you have had all that and a pandemic, just to make it more challenging. It is important to acknowledge that the normal rigours of Year 12, as incredibly challenging as they are, have been made even more so this year, but you’ve made it through.

And you’ve learnt a lot along the way. And that will be helpful for you in a way and sets you up for success in ways you probably don’t realise.

Whatever challenge is thrown your way, you’ll be able to meet it.

I wish you all the best for the next few weeks, for your results, and the next step that you take.

I want to remind you of the incredible person that you are; resilient, incredibly powerful and empowered. I ask you to take that into whatever it is you do next, and be that person who can make a difference to your own life and to others in the community – that’s your challenge and the opportunity that awaits you, and the world will be grateful for your efforts and for your gratitude and concern for other people.

Go well, enjoy what comes and the many decisions you have to make.

Be the best person you can be.”


His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia has also recorded a special video message to acknowledge the challenging year that Year 12s have faced in 2020.



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