An historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Australia’s largest TAFE, TAFE SA and Catholic Education SA (CESA) was signed at the Catholic Education Centre in Adelaide today. This agreement commits to strengthening vocational education training opportunities for students, Catholic education staff and their communities.
The two organisations have set up management and working groups to identify and implement strategies that increase: participation by Catholic schools in Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs; awareness of VET opportunities while at school, and of post-school pathways; awareness of university pathways via TAFE SA and professional development for teachers and staff.
The four-year agreement brings together the training expertise of TAFE SA and excellence in CESA education. Picking up on 2013 Adelaide Thinker in Residence Carla Rinaldi’s inspiring message that all children are inherently competent, but some need confidence and support to become visible, the partnership aims to develop an ‘Educating Community’ in which students and staff learn from each other.
CESA Deputy Director Helen O’Brien said that this agreement represented deeper opportunities to expand the work of Carla Rinaldi, Reggio Emilia and provides greater participation in Vocational Education and Training opportunities for young people.
TAFE SA Executive Director of Education Jen Rodger said the partnership was an exciting new type of collaboration for TAFE SA, which it hopes to replicate with the Education Department and Independent Schools sectors. TAFE SA and Catholic Education believe that VET builds skills, resilience, capability and adaptability to give students the ability to live, work and be active citizens in an ever-changing society.
The two organisations have identified several areas on which they can work together, including programs and government initiatives such as: Vocational Education and Training (VET); Training Guarantee for SACE students (TGSS); VET in Schools Agreements (VISAs); School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships; Trade Training Centres in Schools and Trade Skills Centre in Schools; Catholic Technical Colleges such as Marcellin Technical College and St Patrick’s Technical College; combined school/TAFE SA delivery; development of ‘taste of TAFE’ courses; mentoring, professional development and work-shadowing for staff in Catholic schools; Catholic Education workforce planning and skills audits, skills recognition and up-skilling of administrative staff and Education Support Officers and training of staff in the Catholic Education Office.
The partnership will run until December 2019, with the Management Group meeting annually and the Working Group meeting at least four times a year.
Catholic Education South Australia proudly extends its congratulations to the exceptional achievements of the "Class of 2024" in their SACE results. These results are a reflection of our students' determination, resilience, and dedication, supported by the invaluable guidance and encouragement of our committed educators and the students' families.