Catholic Education South Australia
09 Dec 2020
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Catholic school students honoured at 2020 SA Citizenship Awards

Five Catholic school students have been awarded a 2020 Student Citizenship Award by the Order of Australia Association, South Australia Branch, for their contribution to citizenship in South Australia.

Congratulations to:

  • Elijah Barrott-Walsh, Cardijn College
  • Kylan Beech, Nazareth College
  • Gabrielle Connolly, Cardijn College
  • Skye Sexton, Loreto College
  • Ethan White, Xavier College

The top 10 students in the state – half of which are from Catholic schools – were presented to the Governor of South Australia, His Excellency Hieu Van Le AC as the Patron of the Association, at a reception held at Government House on Saturday January 23, 2021.

Each year, the South Australia branch offers the prestigious Student Citizenship Awards to Year 11 and 12 students who are nominated by their respective schools and colleges.

The awards are intended to recognise those young people who contribute broadly through voluntary service to school and/or the general community. They exemplify the Association’s objective “to foster love of and pride in Australian citizenship”.

The recipients are selected by an adjudication panel based on a broad range of criteria:

  • Significant benefits for the school/college and/or general community.
  • Leadership and influence upon peers.
  • Skills in organisation, management and communication.
  • Initiative and concern for the advancement and/or well-being of others by assisting group(s) in need such as disadvantaged, elderly, homeless youth OR by making a significant contribution to the environment and/or community development.
  • Pride in Australian citizenship.

The top 10 students received an inscribed plaque and certificate.

The Chairman of the South Australia Branch of the Order of Australia Association, Mr Tony Metcalf OAM, joined with all association members in congratulating the award recipients.

Congratulations again to Elijah, Kylan, Gabrielle, Skye and Ethan on your Order of Australia Student Citizenship Award as a recognition of your dedication and hard work.

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