Catholic Education South Australia
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03 Mar 2021
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Old scholar ‘shines brilliantly’ forging career path

Lidya Mungu-Ashuze, an old scholar from Tenison Woods College Mount Gambier, has come a long way on her educational journey since arriving in Australia with her family from the Congo in 2013.  

The 2020 Year 12 Graduate began Year 5 in Australia at North Gambier Primary School, without knowing a word of English. She quickly picked up the English language, transitioning from her native tongue of Swahili within a matter of months.

This is a far cry from her life in Congo, where Lidya and her siblings would only attend school around once a month, walking an hour each way from their home.

Moving to Tenison Woods College in Year 6, Lydia continued to excel and last year graduated Year 12 as a top scoring student, completing her SACE with an ATAR of 88.55, achieving A’s in all her Year 12 subjects.

In a feat rarely seen in such a young person, Lidya successfully completed a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education in the same year.

This hard work and perseverance helped Lidya secure a job as an Early Childhood Educator at the College’s Early Learning and Community Centre.

Being in the work force has always been important for Lidya, holding a part time job since 2019 at the Oatmill Cinema and then at Kmart up until recently.

Her long-term career goal will also come to fruition, as she is enrolled to study Nursing at the University of South Australia in 2022.

“I am very grateful to be in Australia and for the educational opportunities I have had,” said Lidya.

Staff at the College have commended Lidya for her continued effort and drive.

“I am so proud of Lidya’s journey and what she has achieved over the last 8 years,” says Tania Sigley, College Director of Wellbeing,

“I have known Lidya personally since she was 10 years old, without knowing any English, and I’ve been amazed to see how much she has grown as a person.”

Lidya has praised the College staff and resources she could access at her fingertips, adding she always felt supported and encouraged. “I am very grateful for the teachers I had during my time at the school,” she said.

Suzanne Pepe, College EAL (English as an Additional Language) Teacher said Lidya was a dedicated, resilient girl with a ton of determination.

“Lidya shines brilliantly - and she is definitely a guiding light for her family, friends and community. She will continue with her future studies and face life experiences with this same resilience and strength and I am excited for Lidya and for all that lays ahead.”

On Australia Day this year, Lidya and her family were granted Australian citizenship. A proud moment and milestone which instills a sense of belonging and security for Lidya. Lidya’s life in Australia hasn’t come without its challenges, but she has taken it in her stride and focused her energy on her study and her future employment goals.

“I would really like to do something good with the life I have been provided here. It is my mission to work hard and achieve the best I possibly can” she says.

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