Catholic Education South Australia
03 Mar 2015
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Celebrating SACE Results

Successfully completing Year 12 and all of the requirements of SACE provides a very solid base on which young people can build a career and further study. Catholic Education SA was very pleased to learn that 97% of 2014 SACE stage 2 participants (3593 students) completed all of the requirements of SACE. Furthermore 98% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students (39 students) successfully completed their SACE. We congratulate students, staff and families on these achievements.

SACE Merit Awardees, their parents, school principals and other leaders from Catholic Education SA, Department of Education and Child Development and Non-Government schools were guests of the Governor as they gathered at Government House on Tuesday 17 February for the Awards ceremony. CESA students were very well represented in the Merit category and were warmly congratulated by those gathered as they received their certificates. These awards are a great credit to those who receive them.

Four young people who start University pathways this week speak about their Year 12 experience in a range of our Catholic schools, country and city.

Francesca, Mary MacKillop College, Kensington
Merit recipient Francesca completed Year 12 at Mary MacKillop College, Kensington and is now studying a Bachelor of Physiotherapy at UniSA. Francesca appreciated the leadership opportunities at Mary Mackillop, especially in Year 12.

“It allowed me to work with some fantastic young women. I gained skills in public speaking and experience in organising events. Working in a team was so enjoyable and my experience in the senior student leadership team definitely made my year!” she said.

Career information and guidance were valuable for Francesca.

 “Attending career expos and listening to speakers from many career pathways allowed us to gain an understanding about careers we otherwise would not have known about. Teachers were very helpful in helping me decide upon a career pathway,” she said.

Francesca also valued the co-curricular opportunities at her College: “extracurricular activities, especially sport allowed me to be involved in the wider school community. I really enjoyed Saturday sport and it was a healthy break from study in year 12,” she said.

Jonathan, Rostrevor College, Woodforde
Johnathan successfully completed Year 12 at Rostrevor College and is now working part-time with the South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Association (SAASTA) where he is mentoring other young Indigenous students. He is also working with ‘Dial an Angel’ providing support for underprivileged and disabled children. He is studying Aboriginal Cultural Studies and a Bachelor of Social Work at University.

At Rostrevor Johnathan appreciated his involvement in football especially working in a team environment. He said he valued the learning opportunities provided at school and particularly the support available through the Learning Centre seeking and benefitting from one-on-one support where he received both subject and organisational assistance.

Johnathan gained much from his boarding experience, “I learned the importance of contributing to a community and completion of chores.  Living away from home I also had to learn to be more independent,” he said.

When asked about his hopes for the future he said, “I hope to play AFL Football and to get a good job either something sport-related or in the area of social work”.

Jessica, St Joseph’s  School, Port Lincoln
Jessica completed Year 12 at St Joseph’s School Port Lincoln she is now studying a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) at the University of Adelaide.

Jessica valued her teachers at school:

“I really appreciated the high quality teaching at St Joseph’s; the teachers are very supportive and help all students to achieve their goals. I would not have achieved my results without their excellent instruction, willingness to help and flexibility,” she said.

Music has become a significant part of Jessica’s life through her exposure to the opportunities offered by the school such as the music programs, bands, musicals, interschool sport and leadership roles. She sees involvement in music as a fantastic way to meet new people and have a great time. Musical performance and leadership in particular added to her school experience:  “I enjoyed my role as Vice Music Captain, my roles in the ‘Pirates of Penzance’, ‘My Fair Lady’ and ‘High School Musical’ productions and playing in multiple bands,” she said.

Music also helped Jessica to keep a balance in life, “Music was a great release through year 12, and I learnt both social and musical skills that I will use throughout my later life,” she said.

The Muroto Exchange to Japan was a highlight of Jessica’s secondary school life. She learnt life skills and gained confidence. “It was amazing to experience another culture firsthand. In particular, the visit to the Hiroshima Peace Park was both intensely sad and inspirational and I felt privileged to be able to visit such a special place,” she said. 

Jessica hopes to complete a Bachelor of Science course and major in Chemistry or Physics. “By then I would have done some research placement and be on the way to becoming a professional researcher.”  “After maybe doing an Honours year, I hope to work in sustainable energy, an area I have been passionate about for much of my life,” she said.

Harrison, St Francis de Sales College, Mount Barker 
Harrison was joint DUX at St Francis de Sales College in 2014 after completing all his schooling there. He appreciated the opportunity to be a sports leader in Year 12, “being able to promote good sportsmanship and emphasising the importance of everyone having a go,” he said.

The schools values were also appreciated by Harrison, “the Christian values ensured that my 13 years at the school were thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding,” he said.

Additionally Harrison valued the relationship he had with his teachers, “taking up on any of their extra help, either in study lessons, after school or in school holidays; also asking questions and constant communication was a key to my success,” he said. He recalls and endeavours to live by the school motto, “Be who you are and be that well”. What about the future for Harrison? He wants to have a successful career and be the best that he can be. This year Harrison is studying Physiotherapy at Uni SA.

We congratulate Francesca, Johnathan, Jessica and Harrison and all those who completed Year 12 in 2014. We wish them well as their pathways unfold.

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