Catholic Education South Australia
23 Jul 2021
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5 tips to survive lockdown schooling

Remote learning can be a stressful experience for both parents and children. 

Here are 5 tips to avoid a lockdown breakdown.


1. Help your child to feel comforted and loved

What your children need right now above anything else is to feel comforted and loved; to feel like everything is going to be okay. This might mean that you … 

  • play a game outside  
  • watch movies together  
  • share a book 
  • do some cooking together  

All of these things are valuable learning experiences for your child.


2. Remember … You’re not expected to be a teacher

Your classroom teachers are available to support your child. You don’t need to be the teacher.

Your role is simply to make sure that your child is engaging with their learning.

They might need some extra support or help – your main role is to encourage them to connect with their teacher and the learning tasks.


3. Encourage healthy choices

Encourage your children to: 

  • get fresh air 
  • exercise 
  • eat healthily   
  • drink plenty of water


4. Promote connection with friends

While the idea of being away from school for an extended period may sound awesome, the reality of being isolated at home and not seeing friends, may be difficult.

Encourage your child to maintain connections with their friends in other ways.

Secondary students should be encouraged to text or call their friends during study breaks. 


5. Your child’s wellbeing is the most important thing 

If we can leave you with one message, it is this:

Your child’s wellbeing is the most important thing.

At the end of all of this, your child’s wellbeing will be more important than any specific online lesson. How they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they studied at home is gone.   

Go gently. Love your child. Support your teachers. Be kind to yourself.



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