Catholic Education South Australia
22 Feb 2022
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Introducing Catholic School Parents SA

We are pleased to introduce Trish Jarvis, Executive Officer of Catholic School Parents SA (CSPSA). The establishment of CSPSA was announced by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) in November 2020.  

CSPSA is a newly formed organisation which aims to promote and support parents and families by providing a voice for issues affecting their children, such as the current COVID-19 restrictions in boarding houses.

Parents are the primary and continuing educators of children. CSPSA recognise there is a shared responsibility between parents and schools for the spiritual and social development of all students in our Catholic schools. Because of this, school and family collaboration is essential to successful spiritual, academic, and developmental growth. 

CSPSA believe all children to have the opportunity to access a quality education that allows each child to reach their potential. This will be achieved by providing resources, education, and support to assist all families and parents in this role. 


Working with CSPSA

Principals are invited to nominate a parent representative to connect directly with CSPSA. The parent representative will be the contact person to represent parents in your school community and will work alongside the Principal and the Board in partnership with CSPSA, acting as a liaison for CSPSA on matters of importance to Catholic Education South Australia and your school. 

If you are interested in being a parent representative, please discuss this with your principal. 

We welcome all members our community to connect with CSPSA through Facebook, where updated news and resources will feature.

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With only one percent of Australia’s carpentry workforce being female, Kildare College at Holden Hill is breaking down stereotypes, offering a reimagined Stage 2 Design, Digital Technologies and Engineering subject which sees students designing and then manufacturing their own woodworking project.

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