Catholic Education South Australia
21 Apr 2022
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Visit us at the Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo

The early years of your child’s learning and development are very important … and when you’re deciding on the best options for your child, you will have lots of questions.

Staff from Catholic Education South Australia will be available at the Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo at the Adelaide Showground at Wayville on Saturday April 30 and Sunday May 1.

Come along to our stall and have your questions answered – from the options to give your child the best start, through to pathways for your child’s education all the way through school. Pick up a copy of our newly updated Metropolitan and Regional Schools Map to find the schools closest to where you live.

Our staff will have an interactive activity for your child to explore while they answer your questions.

And if you scan your Expo ticket at our stall, you will go into the draw to win a Blue-Bot robot for your child.

The early years are such an important step in your child’s education. Take the opportunity to talk to people who can help you find the right pathway to set them up for life.

Visit the Expo website to register for your free ticket.

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13 Apr 2022

While the start to the 2022 school year has had many challenges, perhaps the group of students most impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic has been our boarding community.

Catholic Education South Australia has moved to ensure parents that Catholic Schools are working hard to prepare for a smoother start to Term 2.

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