Catholic Education South Australia
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04 Aug 2015
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Opening of Kaurna Garden at Nazareth Secondary Campus

On Thursday 23 July, at a special ceremony and liturgy, the Nazareth Catholic College memorial to honour the Kaurna People of the Adelaide Plains was blessed and opened by Fr Bill Brady and Mr John Lochowiak.  Mr Lochhowiak gave the Welcome to Country on behalf of Uncle Lewis O’Brien (Kaurna Elder) and performed the smoking ceremony.  Fr Bill blessed the memorial after a liturgy facilitated by the student leaders of the College.

As a Catholic College, Nazareth passionately acknowledges the Kaurna People as the traditional custodians and owners of the College land. It was a privilege for the College to receive permission from Uncle Lewis O’Brien to use Kaurna Language and the Kaurna Shield on the plaque to formally recognise the Kaurna People.

Nazareth will continue to recognise and respect the Kaurna Elders, past and present, and will honour the values, spirit and traditions of the Kaurna People. We pray that all members of the Nazareth Community will also continue to honour the hopes and dreams of all Aboriginal Australians, as our nation works towards a true recognition and reconciliation for our Aboriginal People.

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03 Sep 2024

Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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