Catholic Education South Australia
Students playing netball
18 Aug 2015
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South Australia Catholic Primary Schools Sports Association Winter Carnivals 2015

South Australia Catholic Primary Schools Winter Carnivals (SACPSSA) have been very well attended with a combined combined entry of 7503 across three carnivals.  Athletics, Netball and Cross Country.

SACPSSA Athletics Carnival
Seventy schools participated in the annual Athletics Carnival from 1 - 5 June at SANTOS Stadium. 2770 children were involved with10 country schools making this the largest country contingent. Four records were broken and though it was cold and cloudy the rain stayed away.  

An excellent team of Executive and Auxiliary members complemented by an enthusiastic group of parent volunteers assisted in making the week an outstanding success. Additionally, the high standard of athletics and enthusiastic participation was maintained as the children enjoyed their involvement.

A new innovation this year was the reading of the ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ and the ‘Athletes Prayer’ by two students which set the tone each day and was well received. Another new feature was the presentation to the Section 1 athletes of the Girls and Boys Pentathlon competitors with  Isobel Dyson from Mercedes and Thomas Cusack from Rostrevor the winners. Congratulations to them and all the competitors for their keen involvement and sportsmanlike behaviour. This carnival was very ably planned by Ric Trutwin.

SACPSSA Netball Carnival   
The Netball Carnival was well organised by Kristen Victory from Star of the Sea and Rosie Petrilli from St Mary’s College and was held over three days from 30 June - 2 July at the Netball SA Stadium. Fifty five schools comprising 406 teams with 2348 children has resulted in the carnival being extended to four days in 2016. That’s huge. 4 Country schools, St Joseph’s School, Peterborough; St Anthony’s School, Millicent; St Joseph’s School, Murray Bridge and St Joseph’s School Clare helped extend the numbers.

St John Ambulance were on hand and were kept busy with occasional minor problems.  Thanks are extended to them and to SA Stadium staff who proffered their usual excellent service. Kristen and Rosie have booked the courts for four days for 2016. Congratulations Kristen and Rosie for another outstanding carnival series.

SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival
Considering the amount of rain that fell in June this year it was fortunate to have a rain free day for cross country. The month’s rain in fact proved a bonus as the course became more of a test with water in the creek and the surface damp and sodden. 

An increase in the number of barriers did away with the star droppers, now regarded as a safety hazard, making for more convenient and effective Start and Finish areas. School home bases behind the barriers were a successful innovation this year and next year there will be an increase in the number of barriers and the CBC Canteen will be behind the Home bases helping to keep the PAC Oval free of foot traffic.

2385 children were involved in the 16 races over the 2000 metre distance; 30 of these runners were from Clare. The two senior students from Cabra proved to be an asset in the Recorders tent. Thanks are extended to them and their teachers for an outstanding contribution to the success of the carnival.

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Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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