Catholic Education South Australia
07 Sep 2022
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Additional Country Teaching Incentive announced

Have you considered teaching in a regional or remote school? Catholic Education South Australia has recently launched an Additional Country Teaching Incentive program.

Recent media coverage has identified the challenges of filling positions in a range of professions across the country, including the education sector.

In response to the growing need for teachers in regional and remote schools, Catholic Education SA has launched the CESA Temporary Additional Country Teaching Incentive Program.

The program covers three schools:

  • St Barbara’s School, Roxby Downs
  • Caritas College, Port Augusta
  • Samaritan College, Whyalla

The incentive will enable successful candidates to access a $20,000 incentive payment (pro-rata based on FTE engagement for two years) in addition to the current country incentives program


Q and A


When does the program start?

The program is for teachers employed to commence for the 2023 school year.

What is the incentive?

In addition to the current country and remote incentives, eligible teachers will receive an ‘Additional Country Incentive’ of $10,000 per year (up to maximum $20,000 for two years and pro-rata based on FTE engagement).

The payment is structured as follows:

  • Payment 1 – $10,000 gross incentive payable at completion of first year
  • Payment 2 – $10,000 gross incentive payable at completion of second year.

At the end of the two-year period, there may be the opportunity to access a further two-year contract, subject to meeting the proficiencies of AITSL standards. No further additional country incentive applies.

How do I apply?

The additional country incentive will be available for all teaching vacancies in the eligible schools for 2023.

Please monitor our positions vacant page for vacancies.

I’m already teaching at one of the listed schools. Can I access the incentive?

The program is for teachers taking up new positions in 2023.

What about other schools in rural and regional areas?

All regional and remote schools offer a range of country teaching incentives.

Currently, this additional incentive program applies to the three schools experiencing the most recruitment pressure - St Barbara’s School, Roxby Downs; Caritas College, Port Augusta; Samaritan College, Whyalla. Additional schools may meet the criteria in the future.

How do I find out more?

Find out more at:

Country Teaching Incentives Program

Positions Vacant

Please contact Ranel Juanta, Manager - Human Resources and Workforce Planning at should you have further queries regarding the Temporary Additional Country Incentive.

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